Dedicated to the District 14 Community

Community Education Council District 14 is dedicated to the emotional, physical and cultural safety, individual empowerment, character development, social awareness and academic success of each and every child in district 14. Our hope is that through partnership with students, school staff and families- we can achieve the community control and accountability necessary to improve the quality of life of all children; with a focus on those who have been intentionally marginalized through policy decisions and structural divestment. Whether language access and budget cuts or culturally responsive education and public health- you can count on us to advocate for what’s best for every child, while standing in our collective values to uplift our most vulnerable children and reimagine the culture, purpose and desired outcomes of schooling.

Public education is a public good and we choose to view and protect it as such. We welcome partnership and collaboration with elected leaders and DOE personnel in alignment with our community’s values and will never waver in our commitment to educational justice.

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